February Events & Updates 2023

Online Safety Week 


Ex Students Visit to Afifah School

Ex-Afifah students came in to school today as guest speakers to talk about ‘Career routes’ that students can explore.
They also discussed the expectations of Colleges and Universities in terms of GCSE results. Our ex-Head Girl Salama and Deputy Head girl Shahed inspired our students to explore the different career routes available to them. In addition the ex-students informed the girls what they will need to do in the future before applying to colleges.
Salma and Shahed also spoke about revision techniques and tips that would help our students before their GCSE examinations.
Feedback from our student:
“I love how all our questions were answered in the best way and how we got tips on how to revise for GCSE” – Hoora, Year 10 Prefect.





Student Achievement

This was created by our Year 8 student Memoona for a Science Project. Well done!