Afifah School's Fees Policy
Every pupil will pay:
- Annual School Fees
- Entrance Test/Admission/Deposit
- External Examination Fees
- Deposits against text books
- Educational Trips
- As an independent school, every pupil has to pay the annual school fees (as decided by the Board of Trustees in April for the forthcoming academic year). Instalment and standing order facilities are available.
- School Fees will be paid over 10 months (Aug – May) and by the 8th day of each month. If this is not possible, the parent/guardian must inform the office and pay by the 15th day of the month. If the monthly fees are not paid by the 15th of the month, the parent/guardian must discuss the matter with office staff. Otherwise, the school office will escalate the matter to the Head Teacher.
- For every new admission there will be an Entrance Test Fee, Admission Fee and Deposit charged (payable before the student’s first day at school).
- Year 11 students will pay the full annual fees, even though they will leave school in June.
- In addition to this, the school levies charges for books purchased, deposits for books that are hired for the year (50% of which is returned at the end of the year) and equipment’s provided in connection with the National Curriculum.
- The school levies charges for external examinations entry, which goes to the respected awarding bodies. In addition to this, there will be a minimum charge of £30 per student per annum for the administration work done by our Exams Officer.
- The school requests voluntary contributions from parents for activities in school time for which compulsory charges cannot be levied (Tuck Days).
- The school seeks payment (on an old-for -new basis) from parents for damage or loss of school property caused wilfully or recklessly by their children.
- All fees will be subject to annual review.
- Any changes in fees/policy will be communicated to parents at least two months before the change is implemented.
A FULL TERMS NOTICE must be given in writing to the Headteacher before the removal of a child from the School. Otherwise a full term’s fee will be charged in lieu of notice. This does not apply to Year 11 girls leaving in their final term at the School, or Year 6 Boys leaving the final year at Primary School.