October Events & Updates 2022

Wear it Pink – Breast Cancer Awareness

“People affected by breast cancer need us – and they need you too. That’s why today, we’re asking you to wear pink, raise money and help make life-changing research and support happen.” – Wear it Pink Organisation

On the 21st October 2022, our high school girls wore pink hijabs to show their support for Breast Cancer Awareness. They also had lessons to understand how to check for any signs of Breast Cancer and where they can go for help.


Black History Month

October marks the beginning of Black History Month. Throughout the month, students took part in PSHE lessons which furthered their understanding of Black history. They also learnt about famous historical figures, sporting legends, Black History with Islam and the different ways in which racism can affect different lives.




Dental Hygiene

On the 14th October, the dentists at Rusholme Dental Practise came in to school to teach the students about dental and oral hygiene. They learnt the most effective ways of keeping their teeth clean.